The founders of Abito: Simona Barbieri, Italo Scaietta, Bruna Casella, Manuela Galli, Constanza Zukierman, photo courtesy of Abito
The founders of Abito: Simona Barbieri, Italo Scaietta, Bruna Casella, Manuela Galli, Constanza Zukierman, photo courtesy of Abito


It arises in Mantua, famous  city of art and culture, which this year has recognized capital of culture, the no-profit association Abito, to drive autonomously forward that educational, artistic and cultural path which has started since 2005 by FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano). Many have been the initiatives featuring the fashion, as the Homage to Roberto Capucci I attended at time ago, having enjoyed very much during this circumstance the quality and fashion oriented cultural offer. A laudable work which continues, developed by a committee headed by Serena Angelini Parravicini, including experts as Bruna Casella, renowned and bright leading opinion buyer, owner along with the husband Stefano Gozzoli of celebrated Mantua stores Bernardelli, the fashion historian and critic Michele Venturini, Simona Barbieri fashion designer of brand Twin-Set, Manuela Galli, Italo Scaietta, Bibi Benedini ( Benedini & Associati AGAPE Architects Studio), Silvia Araldi, Constanza Zukierman. A successful event which will be celebrated today in Mantua since 6:30 pm at Palazzo Te with a talk curated by Michele Venturini on Dries Van Noten and Marchionnes Casati, muse  who inspired the Fall/Winter 2016-2017 womenswear collection he made, of whose signs are told on paper and embodied in the book illustrated by Gill Button. A not to be missed happening for all the ones who are devoted to fashion culture and cult of beauty which will be enriched by music made by di Igor Palmieri and Michele Bianchi, as well as Epicurean suggestions by Cucina da Manuale, joyful chance to discover and enjoy the aristocratic and sophisticated elegance of Mantua, city where to go and come back.



Nasce a Mantova, famosa città d’ arte e cultura, riconosciuta quest’ anno capitale della cultura, l’ associazione no-profit Abito, per portare avanti autonomamente quel percorso divulgativo, artistico e culturale ivi avviato a partire dal 2005 dal FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano). Plurime le iniziative che hanno avuto quale protagonista la moda, come l’ Omaggio a Roberto Capucci a cui tempo fa ho presenziato, avendo oltremondo apprezzato in quell’ occasione la qualità e l’ offerta culturale fashion oriented . Un lodevole lavoro che continua, consolidato da un comitato guidato da Serena Angelini Parravicini, costituito da esperti del settore quali Bruna Casella, rinomata e brillante leading opinion buyer, proprietaria unitamente al marito Stefano Gozzoli dei noti stores mantovani Bernardelli, lo storico e critico della moda Michele Venturini, Simona Barbieri fashion designer del brand Twin-Set, Manuela Galli, Italo Scaietta, Bibi Benedini (dello Studio di Architettura Benedini & Associati AGAPE), Silvia Araldi, Constanza Zukierman. Un felice evento che sarà celebrato oggi a Mantova a partire dalle ore 18:30 presso Palazzo Té con un talk curato da Michele Venturini inerente Dries Van Noten e la marchesa Casati, musa ispiratrice della sua collezione autunno-inverno 2016-2017, i cui segni sono raccontati  su carta e racchiusi nel libro illustrato da Gill Button. Un happening imperdibile per tutti coloro che sono devoti alla cultura della moda e al culto del bello, che sarà arricchito da musiche di Igor Palmieri e Michele Bianchi, come anche da suggestioni epicuree realizzate Cucina da Manuale, gioiosa occasione per scoprire e apprezzare l’ aristocratica e raffinata eleganza di Mantova, città in cui andare e tornare.

Dries van Noten Fall/Winter 2016-2017 along with the work by Gill Button, photo courtesy of Dries van Noten
Dries van Noten Fall/Winter 2016-2017 along with the work by Gill Button, photo courtesy of Dries van Noten
Dries van Noten, illustration by Gill Button
Dries van Noten, illustration by Gill Button


Dries van Noten Fall/Winter 2016-2017 along with the work by Gill Button, photo courtesy of Dries van Noten
Dries van Noten Fall/Winter 2016-2017 along with the work by Gill Button, photo courtesy of Dries van Noten



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